Character in our schools
Our academies are aligned by a commitment to: prioritising academic excellence, high expectations and the development of character; being inclusive; developing the highest quality of teaching and learning; providing valuable progression routes that will give young people choices in adult life and allow them to be well qualified to achieve success and well-being.
Wrotham School is a high performing, truly comprehensive school that is focused on achieving academic excellence, high quality experiences and character development. We believe that this provides the best starting point for all of our students to be happy, successful and confident in their future lives.
Since then, GCSE results that consistently placed Wrotham School as one of the top performing comprehensive schools in Kent, in June 2019 Ofsted judged the ‘Effectiveness of Leadership and Management’ and the ‘Personal Development and Welfare of Students’ to be Outstanding, with an overall effectiveness judgement of Good.
At Wrotham we place high value on the importance of the performing and creative arts, as well as sport, in enabling students to develop self-confidence and great character.
Wrotham School is one of the lucky 50 schools to be funded for a complete rebuild. Planning permission was granted in March 2024, and building work has now started.
Wrotham School Vision
Our vision is to create an outstanding school where all students, regardless of ability or background, make exceptional progress, gain meaningful qualifications and therefore have access to valuable progression routes that will enable them to be well qualified to achieve success and well-being through having choices in their adult life.
At Aylesford School we believe that we should do more than just teach students how to pass exams. We believe we should provide them with the opportunity, and indeed the expectation, that they develop strong character strengths. We work in partnership with parents to help our students develop the courage to persevere at tasks even when they are tough; the confidence to have a voice and to know what is right; the compassion and integrity to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, and to be kind to others. We recognise and reward students who demonstrate our Character Strengths in school.
The school is oversubscribed and was one of the first schools in the country to be awarded the Schools of Character Kite Mark Plus and is a lead school for the south east hub of the Association of Character Education.
Aylesford School Vision
Our vision is to provide quality academic and ‘Character Education’ which develops confident young people who are successful learners and contribute to society. Aylesford School is in the process of conversion to academy status and being sponsored by the Trust. An Academy Order has been issued to that effect. The school is already collaborating strongly with the Trust, and in many ways operating as if it was officially part of the Trust.