Professional development and collaboration has a positive impact on teaching and learning
The key aim of any Trust must be that it leads to effective professional development and collaboration that improves the quality of teaching and learning, and the experience of the students.
Collaboration is key
Collaboration is a key focus at the Character Education Trust. We have developed a number of regular professional development opportunities that have a direct and positive impact on pedagogy and practice, as well as staff workload.
- Joint ‘teach-meets’ with staff from more than one school to share and create resources
- Cross-school department meetings focussed on assessment and moderation
- Visiting another school to carry out practice development learning walks
- Joint planning between departments to share best practice and reduce workload
- Alignment of exam boards at KS4 and 5 to enable quality moderation and reduce workload
- Department development reviews
Focussed on growing leaders from within our schools
We are really enthusiastic about leadership development and strongly focussed on growing leaders from within our schools. We run our own Trust Leadership Development Programme; provide leadership coaching and give emerging leaders opportunities to develop their leadership skills in preparation for promotion.
A number of our staff have gone onto become Headteachers and senior leaders within the Trust.